Versatile Blogger Award

Last week, Novia at Novroz’s Favorite Things kindly tagged me for this lovely award. Thanks for thinking of me, Nov!

The Rules for the Award are:

  1. Thank the person who gave you this award
  2. Share 7 things about yourself
  3. Pass the award along to 15 who you have recently discovered and who you think fantastic for whatever reasons! (in no particular order)
  4. Contact the blogs you picked and let them know about the award.

So…here are 7 things about me:
(Nov, since I didn’t get to do the  previous meme, I’m going to answer some of the questions here, so hit two birds with one stone, right?)

  1. My first movie-going experience is actually the same as Novroz, Superman II. I was also a toddler but I had an immediate crush on Christopher Reeve, never too young to spot a cutie, eh? 🙂
  2. I don’t own many dvds, and I pretty much stopped buying them a year ago as we’re shopping for a Blu-Ray player later this year. I do have quite a few boxed sets: Lord of the Rings, Gladiator, X-Men, Ben Hur, Gone with the Wind, among others.
  3. I have a bunch of guilty pleasure movies, a few of which have been highlighted in this blog (here and here)
  4. This is probably no secret to most of you, but I have a penchant British or Aussie actors. If I see a movie and spot an unfamiliar face that caught my eye, most likely they hail from either one of those regions. Perhaps having Brit/Aussie ESL teachers growing up have something to do with it??
  5. Two Qs in One:
    You’ve compiled a list of your top 100 movies. Which one didn’t make the cut? I haven’t compiled my list of Top 100 movies, but I might do that before year’s end. What movie posters are hanging in your room? Don’t have one now, but if I had to pick just one, I’d probably go with this German version of the Phantom of the Opera poster. Oh la la!
  6. The movies I compulsively watch over and over? My Desert Island DVDs post pretty much cover that.
  7. Though I’m from Indonesia, I never follow my home country’s film industry. In fact, I’ve only seen a handful of Indo movies (less than 10 in my entire life), and the best one of those is Ada Apa Dengan Cinta. The high school scene reminded me of the good ‘ol days, plus Nicholas Saputra is pretty cute 🙂

Now, I’m passing this along to 15 other fab bloggers who I think are lovely (some are newly discovered, some are old friends):

  1. Castor @ Anomalous Material Blog
  2. Marc @ Go-See-Talk
  3. Meredith @ M. Carter @ the Movies
  4. Ronan @ Filmplicity
  5. Dan @ Top 10 Films UK
  6. The gal @ Addicted to Films
  7. Heather @ Movie Mobsters
  8. Aiden @ Cut The Crap Movie Reviews
  9. Dan Dreher @ Where the Buffalo Roam
  10. Univarn @ A Life in Equinox
  11. Andy @ Fandango Groovers
  12. MadHatter @ The Dark of the Matinee
  13. Steve @ The Film Cynics Blog
  14. Dezmond @ Hollywood Spy
  15. Darren @ The Movie Blog

Thanks again Novroz for this lovely award!

27 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger Award

  1. I don’t own too many DVDs either but I don’t plan on switching to the dark side! (Maybe when I’m forced at gunpoint in a couple years)

    Thanks for the tag! I will get to it as soon as possible… but not today because one of my tooth hurts horribly and I don’t feel like doing anything but suffer silently 😦 😦

  2. Pingback: Meme of the Moment: Versatile Blogger Award « the m0vie blog

  3. Wow Blu-ray is very expensive here…I rarely buy DVDs, I spent all my DVD-spending-money for L’Arc~en~Ciel DVD, Music can be watch more than 1000 times. Your quilty pleasure is one of my fav movie 😉

    We are same in here!! I also like more Brit actors than Hollywood. and again, we are the same in 6 and 7 🙂

    Thank you for doing this Ruth 🙂

    1. Electronic prices are nuts over there I know, but with the 300% tax or whatever it is, how can you afford anything there??

      He…he.. I wrote #7 because I remember our conversation about it. I was never interested even when I lived there, and I’m even more out of touch now. Thank YOU again for tagging me.

  4. Thank you Flix! It’s always nice when you get praise from fellow readers and writers. I’ll put my contribution together as soon as possible.

  5. Oh, thanks for the lovely honor. I shall display the award over in my award shelf in my side-bar for everyone to see it and get envious :))

    I’m sure you won’t get angry with me, if I don’t pass the award onto others. I have my own HOLLYWOOD SPY awards given out annually at the spectacular ceremony in January, and I like to give love and praise to my dear friends, such as you, with some personal touch on that occasion.

    Oh, you and totally share the same love for Brits and Aussies! Whenever I see a charming new talent, it also appears that they are always either from UK or from Down Under.

    I didn’t know you were from Indonesia, how wonderfully interesting, but then again I don’t know your real name either :))

    Thanx once again, I will cherish this award dearly.

    1. Hey it’s all optional Dez, so no worries. Wow, you’ve got your own H-Spy award? Right on!

      Yes I’m from the tropics who end up in one of the chilliest places in America, but I LOVE the four seasons far more than the unbearably humid weather. I grew up learning British English from native speakers from Britain/Australia, and got to be friends with a few of them. Maybe I’m so used to hearing their accent that it becomes ingrained in me and becomes a ‘preference,’ if that makes any sense 🙂

  6. Thank you for tagging me! I kind of like these things. In our community we are always busy talking about movies specific like, but I like learning new stuff that we wouldn’t otherwise have known about each other either way.

    BTW, your thing for Brits and Aussies is equally matched by mine. My husband found out Hugh Jackman is filming Real Steel in a building that our friend does security for. I so badly want to stalk it or find a reason to get a pass in, but if I did I may do something terribly embarrassing. Russell Crowe is my favorite Aussie and David Bowie my favorite Britt.

    1. My pleasure, Heather, though you don’t need the award to tell you what a fab blogger you are. I do enjoy the getting to know other bloggers part of this hobby, it makes me feel like I really know you all 🙂

      That’s cool that your friend would get at least a glimpse of Hugh during filming. One of my good friend’s husband was working in the hotel where The Dark Knight was filming in Chicago, but the security was so strict he couldn’t even see Christian Bale or any other cast member.

  7. Thanks for the tag. I’ve got to think about the 7 things and I don’t think I’ll ever find 15 who have not yet been tagged. Just wondering…where did you get Kristen? I’m not a Kristen :).

    I’ve watched Ada Apa Dengan Cinta too and enjoyed it. Great song also and yes they have such good looking leads don’t they…maybe that’s why the movie did pretty well regionally.

    1. Sorry, I must’ve confused you with another Singaporean blogger, silly me… but I meant to tag you as I love your blog!

      Do you watch Indo films a lot? I know a friend here who watches as many Indo movies as the Hollywood ones, he’d get dvds sent to him from his family. I think they’re getting much better now than when I was growing up.

  8. Thank you so much Ruth for this lovely award, it made me smile. Your own award is well deserved. I’m working on my response at the moment so I’ll be posting my own list of versatile bloggers soon. Looking forward to it. Thanks again Ruth.

    1. You are more than welcome, Ronan. For me, it’s not so much the award but the sense of community this kind of meme brings in the blogosphere. Let me know when you’ve got your list done, ok?

  9. Pingback: Oh Boy!! The “Versatile Blogger” Award « Go,See,Talk!

  10. Damn, wish I had that LotR box set. Just have the lowly theatrical version DVDs, been meaning to watch those again as of late though. And thanks for the nod! Just put mine up today, got real nerdy on it, but whatever, I can only be interesting for so long. Had a fun time with it all the same.

  11. Pingback: Idaho History: Fannie Grothjan was a versatile, talented artist | Custom oil painting

  12. Pingback: Filmplicity » Blog Archive » WAFFLEY VERSATILE

  13. Things are getting cheaper here…of course most of those electrics are from China. Can you believe that a DVD player can be as cheap as Rp.100.000. a Blue Ray Disc costs more than that, it’s around Rp 300-400 thousand << This is a crazy price to watch a movie.

    Hahaha I am still living here and I keep on looking what's new from Hollywood, Japan, and Brit. But there are some good children movies nowadays 🙂

  14. Pingback: The Versatile Blogger Award | Movie Mobsters

  15. Pingback: Blogger Award « Novroz' Favorite Things

  16. Pingback: Oh Boy!! The "Versatile Blogger" Award | Go, See, Talk!

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